Online auctions can reach a huge audience of buyers

Posted by IronPlanet on Dec 7, 2011 9:33:00 PM

When selling more specialized construction equipment such as backhoe loaders, it can be difficult to find a competitive market of prospective buyers. A number of traditional auction sites are somewhat limited in scope, meaning they may not be able to host a particular item. However, IronPlanet is capable of accommodating a very wide range of equipment, which can make the selling process much simpler.

Other auction sites also operate within smaller geographic limits, which can drive up shipping costs and reduce the pool of customers being reached. Working in a local context can make offloading more unique items a tough prospect, but IronPlanet operates on a global scale. With several domestic and international transportation companies ready to ship an item, there's practically no limit to where equipment can go.

This global pool of buyers is directly targeted, so when an item they're looking for enters the marketplace, they know about it immediately. This can help drive sales and bring a higher price for the auction in the long-run.

Topics: Auctions