The future of farming in New Jersey is heavily tied into agritourism, according to Brian Schilling, a professor in Rutgers University’s Department of Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics.
All across the country, farmers are opening their doors to tourists and field trippers who want to see how a farm works. In New Jersey, more than 20 percent of farmers supplement their income through this practice, which is helping more farms stay in business, reports
"People can't buy more land to become more economically viable," Schilling said. "So they are more intensive with what they do on their farms to generate more revenue from less acreage."
One of the highlights of agritourism from a visitor's perspective is seeing farm machinery in action. A good idea for farmers to help increase their revenue from agritourism is to invest in used agricultural equipment that can really make a good learning experience. Seeing things like a combine harvester or tractor in action can make for a good stop on farm tours. Whether you just plan on showing off the equipment to visitors or actually need it for work in the fields, IronPlanet offers a broad range of agricultural equipment for just about all budgets.