Construction is underway on the brand new home of the Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum of Science in Miami, according to the Orlando Sentinel.
The museum will be built using $165 million from public funds and an additional $100 million in private fundraising. The new facility will nearly triple the size of the existing museum and add new exhibits, like a shark tank that visitors will be able to walk under.
"It will be another destination to take people to, especially young people, that will leave a lasting impression," Alyce Robertson, director of the Miami Downtown Development Authority, told the Orlando Sentinel.
The new museum was designed by the British architecture firm of Sir Nicholas Grimshaw and features some unique elements. One side of the building resembles the side of a cruise ship. The outdoor areas of the building are positioned so that they will catch a refreshing breeze off the nearby Biscayne Bay, ensuring that the museum remains comfortable in the Miami summer.
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