Students in New York are fighting to get funds for a new health clinic that will be built on the Adlai E. Stevenson Educational Campus in the Bronx, after the state Department of Education did not provide funds to match a grant.
The Bronx Community Health Network and Montefiore Medical Center awarded a $500,000 grant last June to construct a 1,500-square-foot clinic on the campus. The facility would house a dentist, gynecologist, psychologist and other medical staff, reports The New York Daily News. Activists say the clinic could be a major resource to a community where health-related issues are a major problem.
However, the grant was given with the understanding that matching funds would be supplied by the Department of Education or the Department of Health. Approximately $500,000 more is needed to build the facility. The news source reports the campus was told funds would be set aside in November, but the money was never earmarked.
Now, the grant is in danger of running out if the government does not step up to provide additional funds. The $500,000 offer is good for two years.
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