We're at the doorstep of everybody's favorite season this week - autumn (or "fall," if you're trying to rhyme it with something.) The color of the leaves matches the light, and the first night you throw an extra blanket on the bed signals that winter can't be far away.
Naturally, thoughts of yellow leaves lead directly to backhoes and telehandlers and that's lucky for you, because IronPlanet has the equipment you need to finish your projects ahead of the snow flying during our September to Remember auctions.
Our friends at Quinn Heavy Rentals are doing some autumn clearing, which means you have the opportunity to buy late-model, low-hour equipment like this 2012 Cat 420F 4x4 Backhoe Loader, this 2013 Cat TL1255C Telehandler, and this 2012 Cat CP56B Vibratory Single Drum Compactor.
Available from Ripa & Associates, this 2008 Cat 950H Wheel Loader, this 2011 John Deere 700J LGP Crawler Tractor, and this 2002 Challenger MT665 4x4 Farm Tractor.
Take a look at the late-model Volvo and aggregate equipment available:
a 2012 Volvo L70G Wheel Loader
a 2008 Volvo DD90HF Vibratory Double Drum Compactor
a 2012 Volvo EC300DL Track Excavator
A nice selection of well cared-for Freightliners from Walmart is available too.
Ahead of that we have great construction equipment and Humvees coming up in our GovPlanet auction on September 21. Preview all items today!
Fall is primo road trip season, so why not grab a BIG road map and travel to our neighbors up north to take a look at the euipment in our Edmonton, Alberta Cat Auction Services sale. You can preview in person, and online - of course - for this all-online auction this quarter. This sale features:
this 2011 Cat 160M AWD VHP Plus Motor Grader
this 2013 Cat TL1055C Telehandler,
this 2013 Volvo MCT135C Compact Track Loader,
and this 2008 Ford F550 Super Duty 4x4 S/A Utility Truck.
After that, swing down to Odessa, TX on September 28 for the oilfield equipment auction, or buy online with IronPlanet LiveStream, then meet us back here on September 29-30 for the BIG end of quarter sale!