Industry Headlines

Posted by IronPlanet on May 8, 2015 3:42:00 PM


This week in interesting industry headlines:

With Urban Water Use in California Cut, Agriculture Regulations Scrutinized [ABC News]

"Agricultural water use continues to be largely exempt from recent regulations, amid criticism from water experts and environmentalists." Read more

Puerto Rico is sowing a new generation of small farmers [NPR]

"Puerto Rico's government provided farmers some $13 million in subsidies in the past two years, paying for everything from equipment to hourly wages. Comas says it's creating jobs and bringing new income to the island's economy." Read more

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Record Numbers of Construction Workers Participate in National Fall Safety Stand-Down [EHS Today] 

“The people that fall are not just numbers, they are mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers," said Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health Dr. David Michaels. “The cost of building our nation and economy cannot be the lives of its workforce, and that's what this stand-down is all about. These deaths are preventable if we plan ahead, provide workers the right equipment and train each and every one of them how to use it.” Read more

How Auction Houses Are Going, Going Digital [Forbes]

"At the May 5 Impressionist and Modern Art Evening Sale, onlookers were invited to live stream the action from home. But because of the hefty price tags most evening sales command, those viewers couldn’t bid online live during the action. Yet." Read more

Signs of Higher Oil and Gas Prices As Stockpiles Dwindle [The New York Times]

"The steady rise in fuel prices buoyed the spirits of energy company executives, who cut investments in exploation and production by as much as 30 percent this year. Talk began to surface aroudn the oil shale fields of Texas and North Dakota of bringing rigs idled over the last six months back on as profit margins improved." Read more




Topics: Industry Headlines