The warmer weather this winter has been beneficial for many construction companies, which have been able to get a head start on spring projects. The Iowa Department of Transportation recently approved a bevy of road projects to begin ahead of schedule, according to KCCI.
Iowa approves road construction projects to start ahead of schedule
Topics: Construction, Industry Headlines
The term "start-up," typically brings to mind small computer and software development companies or other businesses based in traditional office space. However, The Wall Street Journal reports that the fastest-growing new companies are not in the tech industry, but construction.
Topics: Construction, Industry Headlines
York Bridge Concepts has announced the completion of a 520-foot Timber Bridge on Bald Head Island in North Carolina. Efforts to build the bridge began in 2005, but due to an extensive permitting process, permission to build was not granted until 2008, followed by the sharp economic downturn. Construction finally began in December of 2011 and was completed in early March 2012.
Topics: Construction, Industry Headlines
The Jena Band of Choctaw Indians has been lobbying state officials to build a casino in central Louisiana for more than a decade, and the group was recently approved to go ahead with construction on the new gaming facility.
Topics: Construction, Industry Headlines
University of Illinois plans two major construction projects
The University of Illinois is considering two new construction projects that could be good news for contractors within the state, reports The News-Gazette.
Topics: Construction, Industry Headlines
California plans to spend more than $600 million on new prison construction to help with overcrowding across the state, according to The Los Angeles Times.
Topics: Construction, Industry Headlines
Many consumers might assume that when gas prices rise, the primary impact is on their travel costs. However, the price of gas can affect all aspects of the economy, with construction being an industry that feels the effects on a variety of levels. From running equipment to transporting the items to different sites, has prices seriously influence the cost of construction.
Topics: Construction, Industry Headlines
Casino Arizona has announced that it will be building a new bingo hall at its casino, with construction expected to be completed by October.
Topics: Construction, Industry Headlines
New $35 million science complex coming to Wilkes University
Wilkes University in Pennsylvania has started construction on a $35 million science complex that the school says marks a pivotal point in the school's history.
Topics: Construction, Industry Headlines
Major New Orleans construction projects may compete for contractors
Occasionally, major projects that require multiple contractors can actually begin to compete against one each other, as it's highly desirable for a project to go to a construction company owner who knows how to keep costs down.
Topics: Construction, Industry Headlines