The unusual weather this year has caused untold crop damage across the country, and farmers in Minnesota were thought to be among the hardest hit. The state's large apple crop came up earlier than expected, due to unseasonably warm weather in late March and early April.
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New jobs for construction workers are a bit of a mixed bag all across the country, but Iowa is one state that looks ready for a strong upswing in construction jobs this summer. Local news station KCRG reports a bevy of new projects are lined up across the state, and construction crews look to have plenty of work.
Topics: Construction, Industry Headlines
Construction crews in the Fort Worth, Texas, area will likely be busy over the next few months, as a massive project has kicked off to redevelop a downtown area.
Topics: Construction, Industry Headlines
After years of back and forth between the team and state legislators, the Minnesota Vikings have achieved approval for a new stadium to be built in the city of Minneapolis.
Topics: Construction, Industry Headlines
A majority of this year's corn crop is already planted in Iowa, and farmers have reported that the crop has begun to emerge slightly ahead of schedule.
Topics: Industry Headlines
April better for construction jobs than previous years
Despite a drop-off in jobs over the past few months, the construction industry is still in a much healthier state than it has been in previous years, according to new data released by the Associated General Contractors of America (AGCA).
Topics: Construction, Industry Headlines
The International Code Council Foundation (ICFF) has declared May as Building Safety Month, and each week is focusing on a different aspect of construction. This week is Energy and Green Building Week, and the organization is throwing a spotlight on the rapidly growing area of environmentally friendly construction.
Topics: Construction, Industry Headlines
The U.S. Commerce Department recently released its report on construction spending for the month of March, and it appears that projects just barely picked up after two straight months of declines.
Topics: Construction, Industry Headlines
California county loses $20.4 million in crops to hail storm
On the whole, the weather this year has been very kind to farmers across the country. A very mild winter meant that planting was able to take place much sooner than normal, and farmers were able to take advantage and get their fields plowed and planted early. Unfortunately, the excellent weather was not uniform in every part of the country, and some areas suffered.
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Tulane football stadium construction could be delayed
The construction of a new football stadium at Tulane University in New Orleans could be facing a major hurdle thanks to new local legislation that would likely delay the groundbreaking of the facility, reports the New Orleans Times-Picayune.
Topics: Construction, Industry Headlines